Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Maifo instores

THE MICRO HEAD 4N'S will have instores at these places on these days:

7th July
CLUB CRAWL Shibuya at 16:00~
This is an event for Maifo's new DVD coming on sale. This is where the DVD will be sold for the first time. The ticket costs 2,500JPY. This is NOT a live, this is a talk show event. The members will appear on the stage wearing yukata and they are waiting for you to wear it too!

10th July
Like an Edison Harajuku at 18:00~
TSUKASA presents the offshot preview from their new PV.
You can get signatures on one item only.
There will be a lottery and the winner gets 2 chekis together with their favourite member.
You can participate by buying the new album on the release day (from the actual shop the instore will be held) and you will be given an instore ticket.

13th July
Like an Edison Tokyo
Ikebukuro Brand X
Kazuya won't attend this one but there will be a video message from him.
There will be a talk, Maifo fan quiz (the winner gets a gift) - there's a limit of attendants in these! 
You can participate by buying the new album on the release day (from the actual shop the instore will be held) and you will be given an instore ticket.

14th July
ZEAL LINK Shibuya at 13:00~ and 15:30~
The first part will include a talk, rock scissorcs paper game, acoustic live(!!!) and a handshake session.
The second session will include a talk, hand scissors paper game, acoustic live and a signing session. Unfortunately Kazuya won't participate either one of these instores.
The one who wins them all in the game will get 2 chekis with their favourite member.
You can participate by buying the new album on the release day (from the actual shop the instore will be held) and you will be given an instore ticket.
The capacity of both instores is 100 people.

19th July
Sendai littleHEARTS at 16:00~
Including talk, lottery (winner gets 2 chekis) and a handshake.
You can participate by buying the new album on the release day (from the actual shop the instore will be held) and you will be given an instore ticket.
Tha capacity of this instore is 100 people. 

21st July
Sapporo HMV Sutera (/Stela) shop at 12:00~
Includes handshake event and signing session. They will sign only the CD jackets of the new album.
You can participate by buying the new album on the release day (from the actual shop the instore will be held) and you will be given an instore ticket.

27th July
fiveStars Nagoya

31st July
Fukuoka Skull Rose at 15:00~
Includes talk and a rock scissors paper game (the winner gets a special TSUKASA radio CD).
You can participate by buying the new album on the release day (from the actual shop the instore will be held) and you will be given an instore ticket.

2nd August
ZEAL LINK Osaka at 15:00~
There will be a talk, lottery and a rock paper scissors game. The winner of all members will be presented an exclusive TSUKASA radio thing. If you win a lottery, you'll get 2 chekis with your favourite member.
You can participate by buying the new album on the release day (from the actual shop the instore will be held) and you will be given an instore ticket. You can also make a reservation of your place in the instore event by visiting the shop or calling them. 
The capacity of this instore event is 150 people.

17th August
Like an Edison Nagoya (after their live in Nagoya)
You can get signatures on one item only.
There will be a lottery and the winner gets 6 chekis together with their favourite member.
You can participate by buying the new album on the release day (from the actual shop the instore will be held) and you will be given an instore ticket. You can also buy the CD at the venue and participate at the instore event but then you need to keep the live ticket with you.

18th August
Like an Edison Osaka (after their live in Osaka)
You can get signatures on one item only.
During the time of handshake, you will play rock-paper-scissors game with all of the members and if you can beat them all, you will be presented a special gift from the band!
There will be a lottery and the winner gets 2 chekis together with their favourite member.
You can participate by buying the new album on the release day (from the actual shop the instore will be held) and you will be given an instore ticket.
The maximum amount of participants will be 100 people. 

25th August
Tower Records Shinjuku at 15:00~
Includes talk, signature session and a handshake.
Remember take the CD jacket with you because it will the only thing allowed to sign.
You can participate by buying the new album on the release day (from the actual shop the instore will be held) and you will be given an instore ticket.

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