Friday, 2 November 2012

Maifo in London!

Ricky, SHUN and ZERO from THE MICRO HEAD 4N'S will participate in the Japanese coulture event, HYPER JAPAN, in London, England. The event will be held from 23rd to 25th November. Maifo will have a half an hour talk in Friday, 23rd November from 19:20 to 19:50. 

I'm happy for those who are going or live in England! I was checking flights too but it was too expensive for me since I've got no job. :( Normally the flights to London are around 70€ but now they were 200€ + hotels and tickets and everything. And since it's only 30min talk... I'm saving my money to their tour in Europe!


  1. I want to go sooo badly ;____; But I guess it's pretty much hopeless.

  2. Waa I want to go! But I have class, and I'm not in London so it's hard enough to get to if I was off x.x;

  3. @CrymsenRose, where do you live then? In England anyway?

  4. @Zerogasm Northern Ireland. I'm a decent bit away but it's not impossible to get there, except for having class x.x;
