This blog used to be very active but then came the hiatus thing and I didn't got any comments to the posts anymore so it kinda... Didn't feel good to write here.
But now I'm back with some major exchanges. As you can see, I changed this blog to English. I want to get more readers, maybe more friends through my blog and the main thing is that I want to discuss about Despa more. I'm sorry if there's someone who can't understand English that well but if that's so, you can always ask me to translate. :) And I will keep on blogging Finnish translations of Hizumi's lyrics.
Many things have happened since my last updates. I think all of you already know, D'espairsRay made an announcement on June 15th that they are disbanded. It hit me hard and I wasn't able to write anything about it here so please forgive me. It has been two months since then and I still don't get it. But as I said earlier, this blog is not about me, it's about D'espairsRay. You all not may like me but please, don't post any offensive things to this blog as some of you did earlier. If you have no balls to say shitty things to me personally, don't please do it here either. Thank you.
This is our new D'espairsRay worldwide fanforum: ! Feel free to register, we need a lot more active members to keep the forum up. :)
I was visiting three weeks ago in the Koenji's BUDDY SOUNDWORKS shop were D'espairsRay's intstrument exhibition was held. I'm not going to post the pictures here, so please take a look of them in the forum. :)
Also, there's more news about Hizumi! He has got his own Twitter, take a look at here:!/hiz0302 and he has started a new design project called UMBRELLA. The name really doesn't surprise me at all (laughs). Later on there will be also a goods shop and something is coming on with music too.
While my trip in Japan I finally found Genwaku 1st press for a reasonable price! But no I have no more things to buy... Well, not exactly. I just ordered some Despa stickers and two magazines. u___u Hit me please.
Some of you might be interested about D'espa's FINAL FC trip. Livejournal's notafanboy went there and her whole story is here: Please take a look if you're interested. :) Warning: you might get smile like an idiot but you also might be crying in the end of the post.
See you soon!
Täytyypä mennä lueskelemaan tuo entry, vaikka pelkään jo nyt valmiiksi että vollotan kunhan olen muutaman rivin lukenut, koska itse en päässyt sinne ja kyllä se ketuttaa niin paljon ettei mitään järkeä :( Tosin jos siellä olisin ollut niin siinä vaiheessa ei sitten olisi ollut enää mitään väliä vaikka olisin vollottanut siellä kaikki meikit poskille, koska Despa on ja oli bändinä joku mahtavin ikinä ja ne on sitä yhä vieläkin ♥